
Thursday, November 17, 2011

The alleged victim of the Sandusky/ Penn State case shows us the fallacy of the public registry

The question of the public registry has always been its perceived effectiveness. After all, around 95% of sex crime arrests are of people who are not on the public registry, added to the fact that few registered citizens re-offend, not to mention that many on the registry are on there for such dangerous behavior as teens having consensual relations with other teens or sexting, or maybe even some of these silly cases, that one might question what good the public registry is in the first place.

Perhaps the most damning indictment of the public registry has come from the current Penn State alleged sexual abuse case (I say alleged because until a court has rendered a decision, those involved are innocent until proven guilty, despite what the media thinks). Below is a section from a current CNN article on the Sandusky case (scroll down about halfway to find it):

The mother of one of Sandusky's alleged victims -- identified as Victim 1 in the indictment -- told CNN on Wednesday that her son watched the NBC interview and cried. "I said, 'Well, why did you cry?' And he said, 'Because I'm afraid that he might go free,' " said the woman, whose face and voice were altered to protect her -- and by extension her son's -- identity.

She said she first got clues that something was wrong when her son's behavior changed. "He went from like being a perfect 1,2,3 magic child to being ornery and being arrogant and mean," she said. But when her son asked her to lie to Sandusky when he called the house, she became suspicious.

"Then, out of the blue, one day he was sitting at the computer and wanted to look up 'sex weirdos.' He asked me 'What's the website you get on to look them up?' And I told him it was Megan's Law. And he said, 'Well, how do I type it in?' So, I gave him the web address and he typed it into the computer and I said, 'Who are you looking for?' and he said 'Jerry.' "I kinda froze. I was like, wow. 'What are you looking him up for?' And he was like, 'Oh, I don't know. I just want to see if he's on there.' I said, 'Well, why would he be on there? Do you have something you want to tell me?' and he was like, 'No.'Asked what was going on with Sandusky, the boy answered, "Sometimes he just acts weird. So I just wanted to see if he was on there, that's all.'"

The mother said that, a few days afterward, she learned that Sandusky had been taking her son out of school without her permission, so she called school officials and asked them to talk to her son "and just ask him how he feels." Soon after, the principal called her back in tears and invited the boy's mother to meet with her and the school guidance counselor, the mother said. "They told me that my son had said some things about that there was a problem with Jerry," she said. "He just said that he thought he needed to tell somebody or it would get worse." The mother said that, at that point, she asked the school officials to call the police. "They said I needed to think about the ramifications of what would happen if I did that," she said.

No surprise, Sandusky was not on the Megan's fLaw website. The list does not work that way.

The Stop It Now website has a good commentary on this case and the importance of NOT relying on a list of "sex weirdos:"

We need to open our eyes to the reality of who sexually abuses children.  Research shows that adults know that children are most likely to be abused by someone they know and often love and admire.  We also know that most child sexual abuse is never reported to authorities.  So, just because someone seems really nice, has a good job, and is not on a sex offender registryi doesn’t mean they are safe with your children.  What really matters is how they behave around children. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Note to detractors: Learn to read

It never ceases to amaze me how many people in America lack basic reading comprehension. I'm not surprised how many people give themselves away by the things they say online.

In case my many followers are wondering what I'm talking about, I'm referring to a recent comment I never bothered to publish due to the implicit death threat it contained. Turns out it was from No Peace For Predators, a violent vigilante group based in Orange Park, FL. I discussed this group and their leader David Rowe at length on my vigilante watch blog. As with most of the other vigilantes I have written about over the years at AZUnites, those who peruse such violent groups tend to be devoid of rational thought and spend most of their days discussing ways to harass former offenders, or worse. It is easy to spot the hypocrisy. It is also amazing how blatant they can be about harassing others.

David Rowe (Center) of No Peace For Predators claims to be a Christian,
but his words and actions say otherwise. 
It would really help society if people like members of No Peace for Predators would go back to school and take some remedial reading comprehension skills. I remember back in grade school in reading class we read paragraphs and stories and answered questions on what I read. Should I make a Q&A session after every article? Maybe it will help lower level readers grasp simple concepts.

They criticized my recent article in their ignorance, but anyone with half a brain would understand the gist of my editorial. no one is comparing sex offenses to the common cold; the article was a warning against using simple minds and thoughts (like those common in members of NPFP) to try to solve complex problem. It was a warning against simple and unreasonable terms like "cure," when the REAL experts all agree that management, treatment and accountability are terms that should be used instead. Maybe that is the REAL reason why a rabid and blind group like No PPFP can never understand how to prevent sexual abuse in the first place.

The word "tough" is not the same as the word "smart." Oxen are strong but dumb, hence the derogatory expression "strong as an ox and half as smart." Tough on crime isn't the same as smart on crime. Allowing thugs like David Rowe harass individuals, even anonymously on Google Blogspot, is not smart. To be honest, cowardly comments written anonymously is not smart either.

Thankfully, legislators and courts are beginning to listen to reason. The entire approach to preventing sexual abuse must be completely re-evaluated and overhauled. It does not take a brain to "solve problems" with your fists, but true problem solving comes from the mind, NOT the body.

ADDENDUM: If people don't want their personal communications published, then they need to keep their comments to themselves. Below is a laughable email from one of NPFP's retarded followers:

From Colleen Perry (
I am requesting you remove my sons photograph and my name (coleen perry) from your blog/website or wherever else you may have posted the screenshot (the most recent photo on your blog from facebook) containing my sons photo. I request you at least blur the image. I do believe i retain all ownership and rights over my sons photo and I do not release it for personal or otherwise use to anyone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

All I can say is if you don't like your communications public, DO NOT make public comments where people can read them. It never ceases to amaze me how stupid people who support thugs like NPFP can be. On a related topic, maybe Colleen, like other FB users, should not post pics of their ugly kids online in the first place. I didn't even notice the pic until now but I don't plan on changing it since she made public comments accessible online. I protect my privacy, they should learn to do the same. 

PS: Crying to Mothers Against Pedophiless didn't help, huh? It is still here, deal with it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Editorial- Can sex offenders be cured?

In my latest editorial, I explain the complexities of treatment and why we should change our way of thinking from "cure" to "control/manage." We are in serious need of an honest approach to treatment and rehabilitation based on facts not fears.

Can sex offenders be cured? Counterpoint 11/6/2011
By Derek W. Logue

Have you ever heard the expression “you can’t cure the common cold”? Back in the 1980s, scientists studying the “rhinovirus” (a.k.a. the common cold) published the first detailed analysis of how the virus operates within the human body. Spirits were high within the medical field that armed with this knowledge, the cure for the common cold was as simple as creating a drug that blocks the materials the virus uses to latch onto and infect human cells. 
A full generation after this initial discovery this “cure” for the common cold remains elusive. It turns out the mechanics of how viruses work was far more complex than the researchers realized. There cannot be a single vaccine for the common cold because there is more than one type of rhinovirus. Many of the “symptoms” we have come to associate with the common cold are actually not the result of the cold itself but our body’s “inflammatory response” to the virus. Our over-the-counter medicines we take thus do not cure the common cold, but treat and control those bodily responses to the rhinovirus, which is likely not even in your body by the time you notice the symptoms.
The business of creating potential cures for the common cold has many setbacks and difficulties of its own. Since the virus is usually well under control by our immune systems by the time we even notice symptoms, any potential cures must catch the virus within the first day or two of infection. Thus, without symptoms it is hard to determine sickness in the first place. The latest drugs were costly and offering only modest results with some unintended side effects. In the end, the old tried and true methods of controlling the symptoms of the common cold—hand washing, rest, chicken soup, and symptom control through simple over-the-counter methods that have been around for generations have proven to be the most effective [i]
In short, the best way to deal with the common cold has been time tested and proven effective methods of managing the effects of the virus.
When talking about sex offender management, we use the same lingo. Our society has relied upon a simplistic approach to sexual offending. Despite having the most limited knowledge of the root causes behind sexual abuse, we both give simplistic causes, we look for simplistic solutions. We have also discovered the hard way sexual offending is more complex and heterogeneous than we realized. The business of “cure” has become one of cost-benefits rather than effectiveness. We have determined the “simple” solutions had complex side-effects. 
We have placed an unreasonable expectation in managing sexual deviance. We have utilized an Eliminationist philosophy. We are looking for quick fixes to “cure” a complex problem. We have expected eradication of sexual deviance much like vaccines have wiped out many diseases in the 20th century.
Back in the medical field, there is a resurgence of one previously “eradicated” disease: whooping cough. The disease has adapted somewhat and patterns have changed, putting some people at risk of contracting the disease even after vaccination [ii]. We have also discovered that over-medicating led to antibiotic resistance [iii], which led to policy reforms of antibiotic usage.
To use simplistic terms like “cure” and to generalize all treatment and management concepts into a one-size-fits-all quick-fix solution undermines the true goals of sex offender treatment and management. Solutions are multifaceted and require a focus on both prevention of new offenses and management of deviant behaviors among those who have offended in the past. Like researchers in other fields, we are looking for what is effective rather than what is popular. The current research is almost unanimous in admitting current tough-on-crime legislation has no impact on recidivism. However, there are encouraging advances in treatment, such as Restorative Justice and the Circles of Support and Accountability. We are better at recognizing warning signs of potential sexual abuse. However, there is still potential for greater improvement.
Advances in treatment can only be accomplished with an honest approach to addressing sexual deviance in society. This means leaving politics, media influence, stereotypes, and personal opinions out of research results. An honest approach that addresses the therapy needs of both victim and offender rather than the simple desire for retribution and a burgeoning sex offender industry is the only we will ever make true advances in managing and containing sexual offending in our society.

[i] Christine Gorman, “How Come We Can't Cure The Cold?”  Time Magazine, Mar. 10, 2003.,9171,1004367,00.html, Retrieved Nov. 6, 2011.
[ii] John Timmer, “Vaccine's success spurs whooping cough comeback.” Ars Technica, March 2011., Retrieved Nov. 6, 2011.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Once Fallen Registry Fees Fact Guide

Just a quick note: Be sure to visit my latest article at OnceFallen regarding sex offender registry fees.

Monday, October 31, 2011

My editorial on Halloween Laws

Below is a brief editorial on Halloween Laws I wrote for a class. Since people stated it was good, I decided to share it here.

I was a child of the 1980s, and like most children, I went trick-or-treating. Outside my own little world, a new era of Predator Panic was forming. Missing children were plastered on the milk cartons in the fridge while local daycare centers were searched for underground tunnels, pentagrams, and literature from the Church of Satan. When we got home, mom and dad would confiscate our bags, and, much to our dismay, some choice candies were taken to “test for poison.”
Like the poison candy and the Satanic Ritual Abuse reports of the 1980s, our current laws targeting sex offenders are based upon urban legends. Much like the claims of high recidivism rates, as mentioned by Blathers, the myths of Halloween being a “sex offender smorgasbord” is based on fear rather than fact.
There are much more real threats to your children on Halloween night than the remote chance of a sex offender targeting your child on Halloween. Recent reports have discovered that traffic accidents with child victims are at their highest during Halloween. Should we ban all cars from driving because they pose a greater threat during Halloween than people on the public registry?
The problem with Halloween laws, as with many sex offender laws, are based upon wrongful assumptions and thus do not work as intended. Halloween laws were created to combat a virtually non-existent threat. After all, there is a definitive lack of reports of sex crimes committed by convicted sex offenders occurring on Halloween. So if in previous years there were no sex crimes committed by registrants, and I pass a new law to ban all registrants from participating on Halloween for this year and no sex crimes were committed by registrants this year, can I assume the laws had any effect on a non-existent problem? I think not.
It is time we as a society look at issues in our society from a rational standpoint and put stop scaring people with urban legends. If a sex crime is to occur on this night, it will be far more likely to occur within the child’s own home by a loved one not on the list. If you are worried about your child’s safety on Halloween night, then go with them, or take them to the many Halloween parties run by local churches or civic groups. And while sifting for those non-existent poisoned candies, try not to be as greedy with the choice candy as your parents were.

Happy Birthday to me! Thank God I don't live in certain places.

Today is my birthday! I turn 35 today. I don't really party like I did when I was younger, and Halloween seems mostly for the kids, so I'll likely stay home and watch TV or something. However, should I decide to go party, I'm grateful Cincinnati does not have Halloweenitis. Certain areas across the US have laws in place barring registrants from participating in a variety of Halloween-related activities. This would be a good time to remind everyone I recently updated my HALLOWEEN LAWS FACT GUIDE on my main website. If you haven't read it yet, check it out. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Friday, October 28, 2011

The "SMART" Office needs to be sued for false advertising

When the Adam Walsh was passed into law in 2006, the so-called SMART Office was also created. I don't know why people are so fascinated with acronyms, but of all the acronyms, they chose one that has the least symbolism for a group dedicated to pimping a bad law, namely the Adam Walsh Act.
"SMART" stands for Sex-offender Monitoring, Apprehending, Registration, and Tracking office. So far, sex offender policies have been anything but smart. Maybe it is time we take a little look at this "SMART" Office and judge for yourself if this Office is as "SMART" as it claims to be.

“The SMART Office: Open for Business”

In a press release, The SMART office proudly proclaims it is "open for business." 

"In December 2006, the SMART Office officially opened for business when President Bush appointed Laura L. Rogers, a career prosecutor, as the Director. Ms. Rogers served as a Deputy District Attorney in San Diego, California for nine years, a Senior Attorney at the American Prosecutors Research Institute’s National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse for five years, the Director of the National Institute for Training Child Abuse Professionals for three years and an Adjunct Law Professor at George Mason School of Law for the past four years." This career description for Laura Rogers sounds awfully familiar. In fact, it reminds me of a certain loudmouth TV talking head who famously claimed she "never met a false rape claim" during the Duke Lacrosse case. But I digress.

The SMART Mission Statement:

To assure that convicted sex offenders are prohibited from preying on citizens through a system of appropriate restrictions, regulations and internment.

I love how they use the term "Internment." I immediately think of the Japanese Internment Camps of World War II. Could she have been alluding to the infamous Julia Tuttle Causeway debacle? Subsequent SMART Office Mission statements have removed the offensive word.

In 2009, Laura Rogers testified before the AWA Reauthorization Hearing in 2009. Lets hear her testimony for a minute:

Here we see Laura stumbling and fumbling and bumbling. It is clear she does not even understand how  the Adam Walsh Act even works. She was asked if a 19 1/2 year old and 15 year old having consensual sex would lead to being forced to register. Laura replied that it depends on how each state codes the law, or, as she put it, "there are a lot of issues that would have to be examined, depending on how its charged in a particular jurisdiction." Well, that defeats the purpose of the Adam Walsh Act, because the point of the law was making a "uniform standard" of sex offender laws across the US. She was asked again, and Laura fumbled more times than a butterfingered football player. Finally some speaker from Louisiana answered her question, 25 years on the registry for the scenario described.

It was not long before Laura Rogers stepped down and replaced with Linda Baldwin. Lets look at Linda Baldwin's bio:

Prior to joining the U.S. Department of Justice’s SMART Office, Ms. Baldwin served as a project manager for the New York State Unified Court System’s Office of Court Administration, where she planned and implemented ground-breaking problem-solving court initiatives on behalf of the Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for Court Operations and Planning. During her seven-year tenure, Ms. Baldwin implemented and expanded statewide initiatives for New York State’s sex offense, mental health and drug treatment courts.
As part of her work on the New York State Sex Offense Court Initiative, Ms. Baldwin organized training programs designed to teach and promote best practices for managing the high risk population of sex offenders. She also led an effort to create the Initiative’s Mission Statement and Key Principles, which were designed to guide and promote uniformity among these courts. Ms. Baldwin personally provided technical assistance to the first five sex offense courts in New York State.
Prior to joining the New York State Unified Court System, Ms. Baldwin spent eight years in private practice, concentrating in commercial litigation, real estate and zoning law. She began her legal career as a law clerk for New Jersey Supreme Court Justice Gary S. Stein after receiving her law degree from Columbia University School of Law in 1993.

So she began in the field of  COMMERCIAL litigation and zoning law. What does that has to do with sex offenders, aside from residency laws? I've always wondered how people with no prior experience are given such jobs in the first place, but then again, politicians are rarely experts in the laws they pass. A look at those initiatives raise red flags-- polygraphs and "stakeholder meetings" (what ,can you buy stock in sex offender laws?) are issues of concern. Ironically, Baldwin's home state of New York has decided to opt out of Adam Walsh Act compliance.

The SMART Office website is up and down more often than a yo-yo. Their job is to pimp the AWA so I'm not surprised to find a lack of info on the AWA's shortcomings and rulings against it are mentioned on the website. I'm sure more hilarity will ensue with the Adam Walsh Act Reauthorization Act of 2011.

There is nothing smart about the SMART Office. They should be sued for false advertising. Better yet, I have a more fitting acronym:


The STUPID Office. Now that sounds about right.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Stop the Semantics: There is NO SUCH THING as a "convicted pedophile"

Hey Media hounds, 

It is time to set the record straight. There is no such thing as a "convicted pedophile." It is inaccurate. it is just plain wrong. 

While some of you may think, "what semantic nonsense," the use of this term is derogatory and is on par with the "N" word. Allow me to clear the air.

First off, the term "pedophile" is a psychology term with distinct criteria.Below is the DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of pedophilia:

Diagnostic criteria for 302.2 Pedophilia
(cautionary statement)  

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger). 
B. The person has acted on these urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.
C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A. 

Note: Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old. 

In order to be a "convicted pedophile," simply having a clinical diagnosis of pedophilia would be outlawed. That simply is not the case. Granted, anyone who admits they are sexually attracted to children would likely be harassed by LE and neighbors and subject to scrutiny, but simply having a pedophilia diagnosis would not be enough to arrest someone. Thus, you cannot be arrested simply for being diagnosed with pedophilia.

There is a difference between a sex offender and a pedophile. You can be one without being the other, even if someone has been convicted for a sex crime involving a minor. Very few Registrants are clinically diagnosed with pedophilia. There is a difference between a situational offender and a fixated offender; a situational offender does not have a sexual attraction to children but committed a sex crime involving a minor due to other influences such as a messy divorce or depression; fixated offenders are those far more likely to have clinical sexual deviancy. There are those with a diagnosis of pedophilia who have never committed a sex crime (that means pedophiles are capable of controlling their urges). 

Stop assuming every registrant is a pedophile and misusing the term. You have done enough damage by misusing and abusing this term. Enough with the assumptions, the generalizations, and the downright lies. Quit trying to make progressively scary terms-- Pervert, Pedophiles, Predators, SVP, etc. 

How about a little truth in addressing this issue? Fanning the flames of blind hate and stupidity has not helped matters. But then again, the media is all about milking tragedy. 



PS: I stand by my words, and certain braid-dead vigilantes need a crash course in reading comprehension. The "common use" of the word does not make it proper use of the word. The "N word" I mentioned is a "common usage" word but I doubt anyone but racists would think the N word is proper or ethical. Most will agree using it to refer to a group of people is unethical and just plain wrong.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Derek's TraveLOGUE

I have gotten a lot of questions over the years about traveling while on the registry. Well, I've done a fair share of traveling over the years. I haven't let registration get me down. I've been able to enjoy many new things thanks to friends and family inviting me to homes across the country. I love taking pictures, trying the foods of the region, and seeing places I've never seen before. Yes, even on the registry, travel IS possible, if you are willing to plan ahead.

Any time I travel, I contact my local registrar. I let them know where I plan on going. Next, I call the area I plan on going to see what the rules of registration are. After all, I'm not MOVING to that place, I'm just visiting. Each state has different rules on visiting registrants. One state may require registration after a couple of days, while others may allow a week or two without registration. For example, when my mom was alive, I took frequent trips to Alabama. I'd go to the Sheriff's office here in Cincinnati and let them know where I'm going, and in Alabama I'd have to register and fill out paperwork. AL was strict so I had to do a FULL registration-- fingerprints, mug shot, etc. However, they noted my return home and how long I planned on being there. Not every state does this, thankfully.

I know it seems frustrating, but I teach the CYA principle. A little aggravation now saves you potential 10 year sentences in federal prison by overzealous prosecutors. States do not advertise their visitation policies. However, the sheriff's office is the best place to start. After all, they can make you aware of local laws, like park bans and other local ordinances.

It sounds like simple advice but that is all it takes. So long as you follow the rules you should be okay.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Missing White Woman's Syndrome

Today The Crime Report published an article on the "Missing White Women Syndrome" (aka the Damsel in Distress Syndrome), the concept that reports of missing persons in the media lean towards covering the murder, kidnapping, or disappearance of only young, pretty, thin, conventional, heterosexual, middle-class or higher white females, because they draw audiences where male, gay, fat, homely, minority, poor, disabled and/or older victims do not.

The Crime Report Article notes that age, sex, and race, hair color, and beauty does indeed play a role in missing persons media coverage. Some people disagree, thinking this concept is cliche. The Crime Report referred to the NCIC missing person statistics to form its argument.Below are actual quotes from the article:

The NCIC database indicates that of the 692,944 people reported missing in 2010, 531,928 were under age 18. Most people would agree that it’s reasonable and appropriate for cases of missing children to get a lot of press. Children are vulnerable and innocent. And such cases are every parent’s worst nightmare.

According to the NCIC statistics, 355,243 women were reported missing in 2010,  compared to 337,660 men. But the slight edge that women have in the numbers doesn’t seem to justify the barrage of coverage their cases get at the expense of all those missing men. Think about it: when was the last time you saw extensive media coverage of the disappearance of a man?

Besides sex, race is the biggest factor in determining how much interest journalists seem to show in a missing persons case. It’s difficult to tell from the NCIC statistics exactly how many white women were reported missing in 2010, because the database lumps white and Hispanic missing persons together (418,859) and doesn’t break down the race information by gender. But journalists certainly act as if cases of missing white people, especially women, merit extensive coverage....

For example, the disappearance of pregnant Laci Peterson was a huge news story. In contrast, a pregnant black woman named LaToyia Figueroa who disappeared was barely a blip in the national media, despite efforts by her family to enlist journalists’ help in finding her. (Like Peterson, Figueroa was later found murdered.)

It was a good article. I can expound on this further. Look at the list of cases that is mentioned in the 2006 "Adam Walsh Act." The list in the AWA is a virtual "who's who" of high-profile missing persons cases:

(1) Jacob Wetterling, who was 11 years old, was abducted in 1989 in Minnesota, and
remains missing.
(2) Megan Nicole Kanka, who was 7 years old, was abducted, sexually assaulted, and
murdered in 1994, in New Jersey.
(3) Pam Lychner, who was 31 years old, was attacked by a career offender in Houston,
(4) Jetseta Gage, who was 10 years old, was kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and
murdered in 2005, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
(5) Dru Sjodin, who was 22 years old, was sexually assaulted and murdered in 2003, in
North Dakota.
(6) Jessica Lunsford, who was 9 years old, was abducted, sexually assaulted, buried alive,
and murdered in 2005, in Homosassa, Florida.
(7) Sarah Lunde, who was 13 years old, was strangled and murdered in 2005, in Ruskin,
(8) Amie Zyla, who was 8 years old, was sexually assaulted in 1996 by a juvenile offender
in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and has become an advocate for child victims and protection of
children from juvenile sex offenders.
(9) Christy Ann Fornoff, who was 13 years old, was abducted, sexually assaulted, and
murdered in 1984, in Tempe, Arizona.
(10) Alexandra Nicole Zapp, who was 30 years old, was brutally attacked and murdered
in a public restroom by a repeat sex offender in 2002, in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
(11) Polly Klaas, who was 12 years old, was abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered
in 1993 by a career offender in California.
(12) Jimmy Ryce, who was 9 years old, was kidnapped and murdered in Florida on
8 of 82
September 11, 1995.
(13) Carlie Brucia, who was 11 years old, was abducted and murdered in Florida in
February, 2004.
(14) Amanda Brown, who was 7 years old, was abducted and murdered in Florida in
(15) Elizabeth Smart, who was 14 years old, was abducted in Salt Lake City, Utah in
June 2002.
(16) Molly Bish, who was 16 years old, was abducted in 2000 while working as a
lifeguard in Warren, Massachusetts, where her remains were found 3 years later.
(17) Samantha Runnion, who was 5 years old, was abducted, sexually assaulted, and
murdered in California on July 15, 2002.

Of these 17 names:
1. Jacob Wetterling: white 11 year old boy
2. Megan Kanka: blonde white 7 year old girl
3. Pam Lychner: blonde white 31 year old woman
4. Jetseta Gage: brunette white 10 year old girl
5. Dru Sjodin: blonde white 22 year old woman
6. Jessica Lunsford: blonde white 9 year old girl
7. Sarah Lunde: brunette white 13 year old girl
8. Amie Zyla: blonde white 8 year old girl
9. Christy Ann Fornoff: blonde white 13 year old girl
10. Alexandra Nicole Zapp: Redhead white 30 year old woman
11. Polly Klaas: Brunette white 12 year old girl
12. Jimmy Ryce: 9 year old white boy
13. Carle Brucia: blonde white 11 year old girl
14. Amanda Brown: brunette white 7 year old girl
15. Elizabeth Smart: blonde white 14 year old girl
16. Molly Bish: blonde white 16 year old girl
17. Samantha Runnion: blonde white 5 year old girl

The AWA also adds Masha Allen, who inspired the Title VII "Masha's Law" provision of the AWA, is also a blonde girl known for being a victim of child porn.

So out of this list of 18 (counting Masha), 14 of the 18 are under 18, 16 of the 18 are female, and 18 of 18 are white.

I wonder if Christopher Barrios would've been added to this list had his murder happened before the AWA passed? I doubt it.

There is an air of truth to the "missing white girl" syndrome.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We need to pass a law to ban named laws (or "Curling Legislation")

Here's a pretty good rule of thumb: If you're naming a piece of crime legislation after a crime victim, it's probably a bad law. It means you're legislating out of anger, or in reaction to public anger over a specific incident. That's generally not how good policy is made. -- Radley Balko, Senior Editor, Reason Magazine

"Nannyslature...What do you do when a mother comes in and testifies that her son got sick because he drank water out of a creek? Do we have a new law saying you can't drink water out of a creek? That's why you can't drink water out of a creek! That's why we have water-treatment plants. Lewis and Clark got sick when they drank water out of a creek...We're taking care of you. You don't have any responsibility to have any common sense."-- Washington State Rep. Phil Fortunato

The Free Range Kids blog recently reported the latest knee-jerk law in response to a tragic case: Leiby's Law. If this law passes, homeowners and store owners can voluntarily  submit themselves to criminal background checks and, if cleared, get a large, bright green sticker symbolizing that location as a safe-haven for lost children. Really? A 2009 New York study noted that 95.9% of all arrests for any RSO, 95.9% of all arrests for rape, and 94.1% of all arrests for child molestation were of first-time sex offenders. In addition, only one in four Americans (around 65 million people) have any form of criminal records. In short, the law will honestly prevent nothing. 

Named laws have been in vogue for a while. There is the Adam Walsh Act, Megan's Law, Jessica's Law, Sarah's Law (in the UK), the Jacob Wetterling Act, all directed at sex offenders. Laws named after people tend to be more knee-jerk responses that plow through legislature rather than common sense solutions which came after lengthy debate and rational focus to create narrow definitions to address the actual problem. This phenomenon does not seem to be limited to sex offender law. Below are a few examples of named laws on various subjects:

  1. Texas's "Ashley's Law": This law increased penalties and registry requirements for sex offenders was named after seven-year-old Ashley Estell ,who disappeared from a park in 1993 and was strangled to death. Her body was found the next day by a roadside. A sex offender named Michael Blair was arrested and convicted on circumstantial and faulty evidence. Michael Blair was exonerated in 2008 when a series of DNA tests proved his innocence.
  2. South Carolina's Chandler's Law: This law mandates ever ATV user under 16 take a $55 training coursewhile riding.While some of the law is indeed common sense, the criticism of this law is based on human nature, as noted in the linked article. First, "people will always be idiots." Second, "accidents will always happen." "Common sense doesn't always happen, and shit happens." In other words, passing more regulations won't prevent accidents. People are still free to ignore the new law.
  3. NJ's "The Tyler Clementi HigherEducation Anti-Harassment Act": This law looks to prevent college bullying by dramatically expanding the scope of existing anti-harassment regulations.The newer law replaces a narrow definition of bullying with a broad and vague definition that suppresses a great deal of free speech. 
  4. Laci and Connor's Law: This law which makes it a federal offense to harm a fetus during an attack on a pregnant woman was named after Laci Peterson, who was 8 months pregnant when murdered, is heavily criticized as a backdoor attack on abortion rights.
 The current legal flavor of the week is Caylee's Law, inspired by the Casey Anthony Trial. The law was begun by those unhappy with the trial's outcome (she was found "Not Guilty" because of a ramshackle prosecution case who relied on emotion rather than facts to try his case). There was a law proposed by watchers on Nancy Grace and crime TV shows who lack understanding of the justice system. Five states, including Florida and Wyoming, are looking at drafting a "Caylee's Law."

So what is "Caylee's Law" and what will it do? Well, supposedly it will force parents to report their children missing within 24 hours or report a death within an hour. While it sounds like common sense, many articles are questioning the law and offering scenarios that may lead innocent people in jail. Is it truly "better safe than sorry" to panic and call the police every time a child cannot be immediately located? Consider THIS WYFF TV STORY as an example. The missing kid was hiding in his own room where he was "missing"-- K-9 units and Reverse 911 was utilized to find a child that never left his room. Many missing person's reports are resolved this way.

The real fuel for the Caylee's Law is partially our unsatisfied bloodlust for Casey Anthony's head on a silver platter. However, the other half is our faulty belief that mere laws made in haste will somehow prevent rare tragedies from occurring. The "curling parenting" generation is fueling many of these laws. Maybe we can refer to this trend as "Curling Legislation." Laws named after kids may have good intentions. After all, who wants to see a child seriously hurt or killed? However, at some point we must come to the realization we can only do so much in our society to prevent rare tragedies from happening.

Which is a better memorial? An ill-conceived law passed in anger and ignorance? Or an act that uses a rational approach to addressing the root causes of societal concerns? Honestly, we need to propose a bill that will ban the use of names in the bill. Please, just don't name it after anyone.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Matthew 18:6

"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." -- Matthew 18:6, KJV

This passage has been popping up around the internet among vigilante groups and alleged victim's rights groups, which they claim suggests that child abuse is worse than any other sin in God's eyes. My answe begins with the following warning:

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. -- 2 Peter 1:20

If anyone actually read Matthew 18, and the context it is used, you would see the meaning behind the passage is not what victim's rights groups are proclaiming:

The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
 1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
 2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
Causing to Stumble
    6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! 8 If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.  -- NIV

 Jesus states two things. First off, in verses 3-5 Jesus compares the ideal Believer to a little child. In versus 6-9, Jesus is warning us about scandals in general. The Greek word σκανδαλίσῃ, translated as "stumble" in the NIV, is pronounced skandalisē. It is where we get the English term "scandal." Though we may immediately think of the Catholic Abuse scandal or maybe a political sex scandal, scandal is a general term for a large variety of activities. If you each your child to become a thief, it is a scandal. Jesus was warning again leading others into scandals by their actions.

What about the rest of the chapter? In Verses 15-19, we are taught the Christian method of dealing with Believers sinning in the Church. There are levels of rebuke in which multiple chances at forgiveness is possible-- one on one, then in the presence of a couple of witnesses, then to the church, and if all else fails separate yourself from the offender. The key here is forgiveness. It is a concept lost to modern America.

The last part of the chapter is the Parable of the unmerciful servant, warning us against squandering God's mercy. We have forgotten the concepts of forgiveness and mercy, though it is a very common theme in the Bible. After all, in Matthew 18:21-22 Jesus says not to forgive seven times, but seventy times seven (or seventy seven times depending on the translation). It does seem ironic how that message reminding us to forgive is in the exact same chapter as the verse abused by groups using the passage to promote agendas.

"If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him." --- Luke 17:4 NIV

Scripture is highly symbolic. In Biblical times, numbers were symbolic, and the number seven means complete. What does it mean to forgive? THIS SITE can explain that far better than I can. I do know forgiveness is a process but it is also releasing yourself of the prison you make for yourself by perpetuating hatred. It is contrary to our vindictive attitude. You merely have to look at vendettas or blood feuds to see what happens when our desire for retribution for harms done goes unchecked.

Forgiveness does not mean we necessarily forget, but it does mean we let go of our need for vengeance, especially vengeance disguised as "justice."

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Cyber-bullying is a growing issue, but one not yet taken seriously. Despite the prevalence of cyber-crimes, cyber-hate, and cyber-bullying, little has been done to prevent or deter it. It took a LOT of public pressure just to get Facebook to remove hate groups denying the Holocaust. Facebook seems to be a cesspool of blind hate and stupidity. From what I've been told, you can find groups and pages on everything on Facebook.

Now, I could personally care less about Facebook. Putiing Mark Sucker-berg's stupid face on Time magazine shows how little we value real contributions to society. The Social Network winning movie awards is an even bigger joke. Facebook is essentially a grown up My Space where adults can cyber-bitch and cyber-complain like it is junior high school. There are no shortage of hate sites on Facebook, which all the more reason for people to get together for promoting hatred. I have enough hate to read without bothering going there.

Facebook technically bans sex offenders from using the website (though it is a TOS violation rather than a national law, though some states make it illegal). However, there is no shortage of Facebook pages to attack individuals on the sex offender registries. Thankfully since I'm no fan of FB, I have friends that are happy to send screen shots to me to show me what I'm missing. Below is one profile's list of groups she has joined pretty much all advocating hatred and violence against those on the registry:

I think it is funny how people keep telling me one common thread between many vocal witch hunters is the underlying misogyny in many of these groups. Not so say men do not get involved, but the majority are women.

Below are a few typical comments and mantras from these hate groups. Somehow, Facebook does not feel the need to remove such hate groups, yet registrants are not allowed on Facebook because of fears they will troll for kids. I'm not so sure people who join these type groups are not involved in criminal activity. At the least, harassment and bullying tactics tend to be the norm:

The group claims what they are doing is legal, yet their goal is to "exile" registrants and make them "extinct." Sounds like threatening behavior to me. As shown by SOI, the "No Peace For Predators" group

This comment is pretty self explanatory. This page also links to that No Peace For Predators page.

A person using a different organization to promote the vigilante and cyber-bully site Perverted-Justice. Speaking of Pee-J, they must not have the money train they once had during their heyday on Dateline NBC. There are a few people who are members of Pee-J on Facebook and who make themselves available to find. I'd rather give props to the counter site Corrupted-Justice, which has Pee-J's number. Perverted-Justice and all its members can go to hell. It is interesting to note on that "causes" page, they have raised no money for Pee-J. That's is hilarious!

My question is shouldn't Facebook be for adults only? If you want to protect kids, keep them off Facebook. That being said, this reeks of Jim Crowe. What next, separate water fountains?

These hate groups tend to support each other. They throw out the "P" words (perv, pred, and pedo), and use terms like monster. This is what you call dehumanization, a common tactic to create virtual lynch mobs and serve only to promote even more online hatred.

Here are typical hate comments from misinformed, uneducated people. The second one is even funnier. If you are a man, you cannot be too friendly with kids lest you be considered a possible sexual predator.

A Perverted Justice troll at work. Even if someone online is a registered person, it does not mean he is trolling for kids.

No Peace For Predators-- Paranoid much? Notice the one comment proudly proclaiming sex offenders should be harassed. They also believe sites that advocate for the rights of former offenders are all "pro-pedophile" websites. They sound a lot like Absolute Zero.

This is merely the tip of the iceberg. There are many hate groups and trolls on Facebook, hating on every subject known to man. However, I'd like to know what these people who run these hate groups hope to accomplish? Some groups, like Perverted Justice or No Peace For Predators, advocate various strong-arm tactics, harassment, and threats to promote their cause. If you disagree with such groups, you tend to be labeled a pedophile supporter/enabler or a pedophile yourself, and attacked en masse. The irony is many use religion to justify their hatred. That is all the more appalling.

Addendum: Thank you SOI for letting me know No Peace For Predators is trying to suppress the video they released showing them harassing a man on the registry.

Untitled from Brian Elfstrom on Vimeo.

"Once a child predator always a child predator."
"You filty disgusting human being-- waste of air."
"We're not sick in the head like you"
"He's still a sexual predator, it does not matter"
"We're going to bring him out on a wagon."
"You can't rehabilitate these people."
"You WILL do it again."

David Rowe admits that the man was not breaking any laws (though I think it is poor judgement on part of the victim) but decided to harass him anyways; they even suggested opening a day care to "flush him out." Personally I would have sold it to Rowe for a profit. I hate how people think they are justified because the guy is on the registry. I see it as a crowd of bullies against one man.