"Through Wisdom and Knowledge, We Rise From the Ashes!" -- This is Once Fallen's blog for sex offense commentaries, OpEds and assorted elucidations. For sex offense research, support, and advocacy, visit www.oncefallen.com today.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Birthday to me! Thank God I don't live in certain places.
Today is my birthday! I turn 35 today. I don't really party like I did when I was younger, and Halloween seems mostly for the kids, so I'll likely stay home and watch TV or something. However, should I decide to go party, I'm grateful Cincinnati does not have Halloweenitis. Certain areas across the US have laws in place barring registrants from participating in a variety of Halloween-related activities. This would be a good time to remind everyone I recently updated my HALLOWEEN LAWS FACT GUIDE on my main website. If you haven't read it yet, check it out. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Happy Birthday!