
Monday, January 2, 2023 Annual Report 2022 Annual Report 2022

Summary: This year, I had more new contacts than any other year. Many were prisoners, which is unsurprising since I respond to prisoner inquiries and print out some materials for them. 

Most of the activism performed by OnceFallen is either the maintenance of the website, responding to inquiries, or through prisoner outreach. When needed, OnceFallen is willing to attend activist events, conduct media interviews, and legislative meetings addressing sex offense laws when necessary. OnceFallen runs on a shoestring budget but rarely needs donations unless the need involves travel. 

OnceFallen major accomplishments in 2022:

1. Offered assistance to, and attended, a rally against Civil Commitment in Austin, Texas

2. Completed the 3rd Edition of Your Life on The List. 

3. Wrote four articles for The Crime Report. No media contacts were made this year, however. 


Total New Contacts 2022 – 710 (667 in 2021, +43, a 9% increase over 2021)

Reasons for initial contact, in order of most to least common reasons for first contact. Please note, this is only for INITIAL contact, and in the case of prisoners, it may begin with a “general info” contact followed by a later resource request: Housing Leads (165), Legal info or referrals (90), General Info (89), ICoN prisoner newsletter (62), State Law questions (50),  Probation/Parole issues (28), Prisoner/Jail issues (25) Book/Your Life on The List (23), Activism (23), ARM surveys (14), Harassment (11), Thank You notes (10), and Employment issues (10). The rest were specific questions not listed. 

New contacts were spread across 44 US States, DC, and the USVI, in addition to at least one contact from Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, and Singapore. I made no known contact with anyone from AK, HI, ID, MT, MS, and RI in 2022. 

States ranked from most to least inquiries: Wisconsin (70); FloriDUH (56); Ohio (35); Texas (29); Georgia & Missouri (20 each); Illinois & California (17 each); New York (15); Michigan (14); Pennsylvania (13); Virginia (12); Kansas (11); Arkansas, New Jersey, & Washington (10 each); Colorado, Indiana, & Tennessee (9 each); N. Carolina & Oklahoma (7 each); West Virginia (6); Arizona & Oregon (5 each); Kentucky (4); Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, & Minnesota (3 each); DC, Delaware, Louisiana, Nebraska, The Netherlands, Nevada, and Vermont (2 each); Denmark, Germany, Maine, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Singapore, Utah, US Virgin Is., and Wyoming (1 each). 228 ever mentioned location

Initial Contact Type from most to least common: Corrlinks (212), email (216), letter/postal mail (133), phone (91), text (39), Facebook (12), LinkedIn (1), Twitter (1)

New contacts by month; January (106), February (52), March (73), April (50), May (43), June (52), July (46), August (64), September (61), October (64), November (38), December (61)

Corrlinks Informational Newsletter (ICoN) subscribers: At the end of 2022, I had 1315 total Corrlinks subscribers (up from 1196 in 2021), but of those, 392 are state prisoners (slightly up from 385 in 2021), and because it costs extra to send email to state prisoners, these 392 do not receive monthly newsletters. That leaves 923 federal and CCA prisoners receiving the newsletters. In 2021, there were 811 subscribers, so this is an increase of 112 subscribers, or 8.7%.

Letter Stats: OnceFallen received 286 total requests by mail (note: many were repeat requests), which is 51 (15.1%) less than last year. 

Financial Resources & Expenses

Financial support decreased over 2021 numbers by about 18%. Since OnceFallen typically operates on a shoestring budget, donations, particularly large donations, are generally not needed. I was invited to take part in a rally against Civil Commitment in Texas, which was the only action that required significant funds, and thus significant fundraising efforts. Typical expenses include supplies related to prisoner outreach, including envelopes, stamps, printer toner, phone expenses, the occasional free book to prisoners, etc. I do not expect to take part in any public awareness events in 2023 so I expect even less financial support due to a lower need to raise funds in 2023. 

In 2022 the federal government decreased the amount of money individuals can collect from online transactions from $20k to $600, so OnceFallen suspended all online transactions. This is likely the reason behind the decline in donations. But since I have no plans to participate in public events in 2023, this is nothing to worry about.