
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Sticks and Stones part 2

Last weekend, I wrote a brief rant about how trolls attacked a fellow anti-registry activist group. These trolls flooded the page with insults while demanding we speak with them on our position. 

It is funny how people have the audacity to attack someone then demand their victims sit down with them and discuss why they oppose the attackers' viewpoints. They obviously are too STUPID to realize their trolling, making threats, and making harassing messages in violation of real-world, existing cyberharassment law is one of the key reasons why we fight against the registry. 

So in desperation, the trolls try to appeal to personal ego. 

1. "What are they hiding?" 

Nothing. Every anti-registry group and advocate with a public website prominently displays our mission statement. Many of us also use our real names, and even if we don't, we have the right to free and anonymous speech, much like the trolls who mostly use screen names to hide their identies. (I assume it is because tey KNOW that what they have been doing can land them in prison.) My name is on my website, yet the trolls make a spectacle out of trying to reveal my identity, because they're so stupid they didn't realize for days that I had a contact page on my website. 

2. "Why won't they tell us what they stand for?"

First, see Question #1. Second, you're too lazy to research. It takes more than a 45 second TikTok video to learn about a complex subject. Third, most in the opposition cannot carry a rational debate and resort to name calling. I'm not going to waste my time debating someone who calls me foul names and expects me to take their abuse. No, fuck you. 

Trolls lack even basic reading comprehension. One such troll, for example, was in an interracial relationship, so I merely asked how she'd feel if someone used racially insensitive language regarding her or her significant other after repeatedly asking her to stop disrepecting me, and the obvious response was "OMG ur a rassis." Trolls are incapable of critical thinking. This is the "No Child Left Behind" class all grown up. 

You come to one of my pages to make stupid comments, I flag it for spam and move on. I don't like arguing with idiots. 

Oftentimes, this is accompanied by claims of cowardice. It is not cowardice to block idiots who waste my time. I'm only interested in talking with intelligent people. No one, not even the trolls, would like conversatioms where the only remarks are insults. 

I've heard it all before. Over a decade and a half of hearing the same lame comments from mentally deficient people has desensitized me to your words. It does, however, motivate me to continue my work to ABOLISH the registry. 

I am tired of professional victimhood being used as an excuse to lash out at others. Get some therapy and GTFOH. 

PS: I see my personal stalker is still crying at my latest victory over the Book Crime Family. Ha ha, keep seething, loser!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

"Sticks and Stones"

 Remember as children, we often heard the expression, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" As children, we never really believed it. 

As an adult, however, I grew to understand that words hurt only so long as you allow them to hold power over you. 

I was reminded of this as I volunteered a clean up a troll attack on the social media page this past week. While the barrage of trolling comments were new to this group, it ws nothing new to me. As a vocal advocate of abolishing the public sex offense registry and a person on the registry myself, I've endured numerous attacks over the years. I've dealt with many vigilantes, both individually and entire groups. I've had my share of 3am phone calls, death threats, people who create websites dedicated to me, and personal stalkers. I've had specific threats, and I've even had trolls publish maps and pictures of my residence. And most of thse vigilante douchebags know they will face little to no repercussions. 

If you are going to be a bold activist, you must develop thick skin. I spent a few minutes each day for a week deleting comments and banning the offenders. I take pleasure in it, too, because over the years, the worst thing you can do to an online troll is delete their messages, since trolls revel in responses. They believe if you respond to them in any way, they are "winning."  

It takes less time to ban someone that it takes for that person to spend hours spamming a social media page. Nasty emails get flagged for spam. Nasty messages get ignored and swept away. 

It gets easier to do in time because there are honestly few new comments. Here are a few examples (not verbatime but many comments sound more or less like this):

"Woodchipper go brrr" -- And lame, uneducated trolls go "Durrrr." 

"If you are against the registry you must be on it." -- Well, in my case, I am, so "No Shit Sherlock", but many activists are not, and a growing number of legal experts oppose the registry, and they don't have loved ones on the registry. I guess it must take a working brain to figure out that a government blacklist 

"Pedifile" -- The least you cabn do is spell the term right. Idiots spell this term like it is something you pull out at the mail salon to scrape callouses. 

"I hope you get raped" -- Sometimes said in conjunction with prison "Gen Pop" or "Bubba" comments. It seems a bit ironic that people promote rape to say erape is bad. Did I say ironic? I meant MORONIC. 

**posts picture of my registry flier** -- Not that it is ever enforced, but the registry does state misusing the registry to harass, threaten, intimidate, or attack those on the registry, so they are engaging in criminal activity, so it is the same as the "I  hope you get raped" comments. 

**speaks in memes, emojis, and the same lame, highly overused GIFs like blinking man or girl with goofy confused expression** -- They cannot form their own opinions and speak like a human. Not worth my time.  

"Accept your punishment" -- You are admitting the registry is punishment. That actually benefits us since the ultra-conservative SCOTUS feels otherwise. 

"You'll never see me coming" -- You're right, because you never show up. 

"Expect Us." -- Anonymous isn't even a thing anymore. At best, these losers will try a DDOS attack that'll get fixed within a few minutes since ISPs have improved detecting attempted DDOS attacks. 

People have been led to believe that if they say mean things to me, I'll quit opposing the registry. Well, it hasn't happened in the 16 years. Far more powerful people, like the Ron and Lauren Book Crime Family, tried and failed, and now they're about to get sued into oblivion. 

Trolls, don't waste my time. I've heard it all before. Insulting dead members of my family, or my manhood, or my sanity, or encouraging suicide, or calling me names, or attempting to annoy me into submission is simply fueling me to press on with my message of total abolishment of the sex offense registry. 

And when the current gang of internet gangsters finally tires of being deleted and move on to the next gripe of the day, I'll still be here, just like the internet, "doing my thing," just as I have done since 2004. So the trolls can kiss my ass.