
Sunday, July 14, 2019

ANNOUNCEMENT: Once Fallen formally condemns the actions of Michael McKay of Registry Report and Dwayne Daughtry of NCRSOL

If there is one thing I do not tolerate, it is people making false allegations about me. Since last weekend, three Twitter users, "Michael McKay" of Registry Report (who is listed o his Twitter page as NARSOL's "Marketing Director"), Dwayne Daughtry (who claims to be NC-RSOL's Executive Director on his Twitter page), and a self-proclaimed pedophile activist known only as TNF_13 attacked me and a couple of supporters of mine last weekend on social media. I personally don't care if someone disagrees with me or doesn't like my form of activism, since there are plenty of people I disagree with and do not follow, either. But these three people crossed the line by claiming that I'm doxxing them, harassing them, and calling the police on them, while they are doing some of the very things they have claimed that I have done. 

Thus, I have formally removed any links to the websites of McKay and Daughtry, as well as any organizations formally linked to them. Until they are deposed from those organizations, I will not promote them in any way. As TNF 13 is a pro-pedophilia activist I never supported him so I never had a link from his material on my site in the first place.

These two have taken to formally trying to silence my activism and have not relented, so I have posted this to my website as well.

Below are among the posts McKay has made. Daughtry posted my mugshot back in March. That kind of behavior is unethical.

Projection is the act of accusing others of engaging in the very same behaviors. At least one of my false accusers/ harassers  trying to use the false arrest I endured this year has been twice convicted of sexual offenses. Some people in this movement have not bothered to ask for proof of these dubious claims. I am more than willing to prove i am the victim, not the aggressive, in this targeted harassment campaign. Show us the proof!

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