
Monday, April 11, 2016

The Once Fallen Police Compliance Check Survey -- Take the Once Fallen Police/ Compliance Check Survey

Dear registrant or loved one of a registrant,

Perhaps one of the most stressful experiences we face as those forced to register as “sex offenders” is having a uniformed member of law enforcement coming to your house to perform a “compliance check” or “address verification” operation. This survey is designed to gauge the experiences of registered citizens or their loved ones while subjected to one of these “random” compliance/ address checks. (For purposes of this survey, I prefer to use the term “registered citizens” or “registrants” as opposed to the term “registered sex offender.”)

QUALIFICATIONS: You must be either a registered citizen OR someone living with a registered citizen AND experienced an at-home or at-work compliance check at least once since being forced to register or, if you are the loved one of a registrant, have personally witnessed the check of the registrant. If you have NOT experienced an in-home or at-work compliance check, then DO NOT complete this survey.

If you have questions about this survey, contact me at or call me at 513-238-2873.

Derek W. Logue of


  1. I have dealt with said checks as I am a registered citizen

    1. I am the wife of a registered citizen. My husband has to endure this invasion of our privacy every six months

  2. I have dealt with said checks as I am what you call a registered citizen

    1. Then please fill out the survey. It takes only a few minutes.

    2. The first time these people came to our home we voiced our opposition to their "visit". It just didn't seem legal and that we should comply. No letter had been sent out to inform us that this was legal.
      I, the wife of a registrant spoke civilly to them (two men) but at the same time weren't to sure about them and told them I felt like telling them to get the hell off our property. I also asked these guys what does Megans law do to help the children of registrants who suffer terribly under this law??? Well the men left and a few weeks later my husband and I were called into the precinct under the pretention of clearing up our confusion. Well it turned out to be more of an interrogation. We were brought into separate rooms and questioned about what took place during this Meghans Law "visit". We were very disturbed by this event, but oh, we did receive a letter in the mail a few weeks later verifying that these visits can now be expected.

    3. All of what you wrote is 100% and also happened to me . They were out before they notifyied by letter . - before they could be challenged . SNOOP & SNIFF -at first polite then the use of power of law a sence of whats called a brow beating and a force to sign a form of acknoledgement to agree , with proof of being as a license with picture ID . I refused and wanted a court order . They asked if they could come in -- NO ! Show ID refused . If they don't know who they are talking to why persist with harrassment and a interrogation . They left and came back the next day . Again I refused . They left . Returned the next day with more of an understanding and calmn . I don't know why but I felt real sorry for them knowing the law had passed just days before . I signed the form which I demanded a copy and let them varify my license . But I did call the precinct and wanted the news to be a part of this new business but the precinct did not inform them to respond -VERY INTERESTING . At the time I had finished all state and federal programs along with completion of probation . Further future visits never show them a form of ID . They have your picture and address right in front of them so who are they kidding . And those who wrote these laws that legislation passed should be brought before a Judge . These retired trackers from extended megans law only do it for the money not the cause and should remain retired . If you are fortunate to have a fence and a alarm on your dwelling USE IT , or call the police for their names and if they know they are doing patrols in the area before releaseingg any in formation . By the way if its aganist the law to ask for ID from an undocumented invader of this County or harrass in any form ,DEMAND A RECIEPT with the their name's , the time of visit , and date , and how many times they attempted to reach you with that date and time , and they are NOT allowed to search the property or carry a firearm they are not police . BY THE WAY WHAT DOES TIME SERVED MEAN ? WHAT IT MEANS . Time served .

  3. I feel sorry for the megans law trackers . They make the invation of privacy as tho this is the prevention and and the real protection . They truthfully have no idea what they are doing .
    For those that have to register four times a year with annual pictures and prints along with RESIDENCE VARIFACATION and have been doing this for many years, these guys should really just enjoy their retirement and stop looking to harass those that are registering as court ordered before retro active unconstitutional laws for the employment of retired PO's . The waist of money and the phoneyness is chrystal clear , when all they are doing is varifying DOJ's info to make sure they got it right .
    The fact of revenge from this organazation is without doubt . Come on, if it took them twenty years to get this far they should have been fired ten years ago . But with a premisquous former president signing a bill of his own weakness was a diversion for public policy and the start of a new adolesent sexual revalation that oral sex was not having a sexual incounter . So here it is megans law and its pro trackers ; should spend three full days a month of a school year in JR, and high school NOT GRADE SCHOOL and do your stuff . Protect not only the CHILDREN but the community . PRO BONO . FOR FREE . If that organazation really care's and show a true committment of useful service . Not for another retirement check . Just asking to show your license with a picture to match the picture of the police porfolio in their hand --what a joke . Then also to gouge the medical system from working families that need mental health attention WITHOUT PRESCRIBED DRUGS ! I can understand if someone is MIA but really this section of tax greed for absolutely double dipping is and should be brought to the attention of the new top brass . And also the carear politicions and legislators, where we see it all started from . Hey with these guys why should there be a registry at all . Hire an Ex- offender . And enjoy your retirement . Just like what Legislator Browning said about sex offenders , if they don't like it THEY CAN MOVE .

  4. hmm, I am a registered citizen..and had a brush with these compliance checks last year....AT 4:15A.M., the Sheriffs Deputy banged on the windows of the house until they awoke my 15 yr old daughter, who for some reason went to the door, then came and got me (she has been informed not to do that anymore), anyways I get up go to the door to see what wrong, and im told they are doing compliance checks, half asleep, I said are you f**ing kidding me, its 4am, the deputy replies, "sir the sheriffs office is a 24 hour, 365 operation" to which I replied this is ridiculous. I signed there stupid form and went beck to bed. The next day I drafter a letter (I own a paralegal and investigations company) to the subject in charge of the night shift. I informed him that it was unacceptable to come to my home at 4am for compliance checks, as I work across street from Sheriffs Office and they could have made arrangements. I even spoke to the sheriff about the situation. I informed him that my girlfriend, who is his cousin informed me to tell him she was going to call him at 4am and see if he likes being woke up for such stupidity, lol..anyways so far ive made it withiout any more compliance checks. please note that I also contacted the US Marshalls sex offender investigations unit, and informed them of what the deputies in my county did and even they said thatit was unacceptable and that they only perform them during the day (the Deputies had told me they were working on behalf of USM., a lie to make them feel important. from now on I will not sign anything, and because im a T1 offender, I refuse to even give them my plate number. whats even gonna be funnier the next time they do show up is that obtained my firearms rights back, and am a concealed carry permit holder.

    1. Great write up . Lets keep this going . The stories that can be told could save the tax payers the future retirement and deficet of corrupt law inforcement .
      The only reason they do early morning shake downs is for a take down . It's like a sneek attact for crimminal behavior when everyone is a sleep . - military suprise of local former or wanna be police , and what the sheriffs department forgot to mention out of that 365 days of service comes how many weeks and months of vacation and sick days . Too take down a registerd former offender and his family . No justifacation . What would megans law say about this -NO COMMENT . Even if a child is involeved . NO COMMENT . The truth is the police departments never liked what they were handed from megans law and know its being shifted over to the sheriffs department . Follow the money for this one . Don't get charged twice for false protection .

    2. Great write up . Lets keep this going . The stories that can be told could save the tax payers the future retirement and deficet of corrupt law inforcement .
      The only reason they do early morning shake downs is for a take down . It's like a sneek attact for crimminal behavior when everyone is a sleep . - military suprise of local former or wanna be police , and what the sheriffs department forgot to mention out of that 365 days of service comes how many weeks and months of vacation and sick days . Too take down a registerd former offender and his family . No justifacation . What would megans law say about this -NO COMMENT . Even if a child is involeved . NO COMMENT . The truth is the police departments never liked what they were handed from megans law and know its being shifted over to the sheriffs department . Follow the money for this one . Don't get charged twice for false protection .

  5. Its fact that the only people not in compliance are the trackers organazation and the most out of line is the excecutive of suffolk county Steve Bellone . Forceing the tax payers to pay for the short fall of Laura Ahearns high risk insurance tab . If the tax payers only were warned before they read it in their next tax bill . PFML and the new crime victims INC. Should just pay up and be charged even more for this politcal corruption in suffolk county and the proof is Mr. Steve Ballone . He's lost without Chief Burke and the former police commissnor Ed Webber that made sure Mr. Burke got his retirement before his indicment and quickly retired hime self . Lets all be compliant with our County and State Requirements Gentlemen with tax payer auto matic deductions behind their backs .

  6. Soon, phoney Belloney will be sharing a cell with Burke and his porn/ sex toy stash. Since Bellone takes Ahearn's strap-on pretty well I'm sure he and Burke will get along well in prison.


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