
Monday, February 15, 2016

Say THIS three times fast: My Poignantly Pugnacious Proclamation about the "P" word

Say THIS three times fast: My Poignantly Pugnacious Proclamation about the P word
Derek W. Logue
February 15, 2015

As I plod along at the prelude to my day, pandiculating and percolating the morning brew, I’ve been perpetually pissed while pondering the pathetically pedantic pontifications of pulpit-thumping pandering politicians (and Chris Smith in particular) in light of the perilous passage of “International Megan’s Law,” a perfunctory yet preposterous proposal that proliferated with pizzlos, pending the proofreading and passage by our President, probably poised to be penned in a public pageant. While the populace participates in pococurantism about the plight of people perceived to be “pedophiles,” perhaps the propriety of placing a pock on our passports should be probed. International Megan’s Law was promoted as a panacea for pedophiles procuring prohibited petting and procreation with prepubescents, a pulchritudinous pick for plugging their proposition for reelection. In palpability, by promoting the P word to pass this paedonymic law, this proposal is proportionately part poppycock, part paddy-donny, part phooey, and part piffle! This pernicious proposal is more panchreston than panacea. For the victim industry, this preposterous proposal produces posh, padding their pantagruelian pockets with Pactolian proceeds as the proletariats and the poor pay the price for our purblind perceptions of the paltry performance of presently prevalent preventative programs on the part of promoting public protection. The potential percussions of this proposal is picayune or piddling at best and pestilential at worst. IML is a pretext for the panoptic purging of protections procured by the passage of the US Constitution and a prerequisite for a totalitatian-controlled populace. 

If the person perusing my proclamation is perplexed or puggled by the preceding paragraph, perhaps a pithy play-by-play of the preceding paragraph is paramount. 

Simply put, I spent my morning angry that International Megan’s law passed legislation and will be signed into law. I witnessed both both Chris Smith and some media outlets are using the P word (pedophile) to promote IML to our ignorant American society. Yes, it seems most folks don’t give a damn about our rights because they blindly believe that this law will prevent “sex tourism” or ‘sex trafficking.  Maybe they should consider what these “unique identifiers” mean for everyone with a US passport. This is stupid. The law is meant to be a cure-all, but instead, makes a simplistic, catch-all law that is ineffective and will cost taxpayers a lot of money. 

But if there is one “P” word that perplexes and perturb anti-registry activists seem to be the word PROTEST. It is obviously easier to pay a legal pugilist to make this all go away, yet we seem panic-stricken at the thought of engaging in a public protest. Someone recently stated we should parch our PASSPORTS, but how many of you would willingly PARTICIPATE? 

Protesting is one P word our push to put an end to the public pillory should promote. 

The ARM’s “P” Words:

As far as where I found many of the other P words in this proclaimation, peruse this page

We need more of this in 2016

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