
Monday, June 1, 2015

Introducing the Once Fallen ICoN Newsletter for Corrlinks users

Some of you may be familiar with CorrLinks. For those who are unaware, Corrlinks is  an email service allowing inmates in federal prison (as well as some prisons in Iowa, Minnesota, and Oklahoma) to send and receive emails. Of course, it is text-only, so PDF files or photos cannot be sent through the Corrlinks system, and letters are limited to 13,000 CHARACTERS, not words. It is a very limited system but it is still a fast and easy way to pass along pertinent info. 

Once Fallen, with the help of those on the inside, is proud to announce the publication of the "Informational CorrLinks Newsletter" (ICoN), a text-only newsletter sharing sex-offender information free of charge to CorrLinks users. 

The ICoN offers summaries of recent court decisions, inmate letters, treatment issues, activist info, and other useful information to inmates who will be forced to register as sex offenders upon their release. In addition, Once Fallen will answer inmate inquiries as much as possible. 

If you have a loved one who is incarcerated and has a Corrlinks account who wants to receive these newsletters, have him send a request to

You can also email me at if you want a copy of this newsletter to send to a loved one behind bars. 

Volume 1 (Spring 2015) is already currently available, and issues can be sent any time, so if in the future someone wants older editions, I can send it to them at any time.

ADDENDUM: I have added a page on Once Fallen where you can download all volumes of the CorrLinks newsletter. Below is the link:

Note: Apparently not all SOs have access to Corrlinks due to restrictions. That's why I have made it available to folks to print separately.

Program Statements and policies for Federal Inmates.  Chapter 14 of that document covers computer access.  See below:

P.S. 4500.11 Trust Fund/Deposit Fund Manual

Chapter 14 - Trust Fund Limited Inmates Computer System
     14.9 - System Access
          a. Program/Service Exclusions
                1) Sex offenders: Inmates who's offense, conduct, or other personal history indicates a propensity to offend through the use of email or jeopardize the safety, security, orderly operation of the correction facility, or protection of the pubic or staff, should be seriously considered for restriction.